In an online casino accepting credit cards, players may dispute and reverse fraudulent or illegal credit card charges by using dispute and chargeback systems. These measures are in place to protect cardholders against fraudulent charges when using safe payment methods like credit cards.
A dispute arises when a cardholder raises doubts about a transaction, usually because of an error in the charge, a failure to provide the promised goods or services, or general unhappiness with the transaction in question.
The cardholder must call the issuing bank and give specifics on the disputed transaction. The bank then conducts an investigation, reaching out to the payment processor of the online casino credit card for further information and proof.
When a dispute is successful, the issuing bank may cancel the transaction from the credit card online casino, a process known as a chargeback. The bank then transfers the money from the casino's account to the customer's. The online casino real money credit card risks losing money, paying more in processing costs, and having its reputation tarnished if customers decide to dispute the transactions.
Strong security methods, clear terms and conditions, and helpful customer assistance are common strategies used by the best credit card online casinos to reduce the number of consumer complaints and chargebacks.
As a result of the potential for fraudulent conduct or misuse of the chargeback system, an online casino that accepts credit cards may also flag and prohibit players who initiate chargebacks often.